
Customizations and Rates


Exp: 7000x Base|7500x Job
Drop: 50% Common/Equipment|25% Cards|20% MVP Equipment/Cards
Max Level: 400 (200 baby) Base|120 JOb
Max Stats: 800 (400 baby)
Max HP/SP: 15,000,000

Other Info:

Storage: 600
Guild Storage: 1200
Inventory: 300
Cart: 1000
WoE: 8am to 9am, noon to 1pm, 6pm to 7pm, 3am to 4am M-F; times vary during weekends, 6am to 9am, 11am to 4pm, 7pm to 11pm, and 1am to 4am (All times GMT -7).


Motherboard: Gigabyte EP43-UD3L
Processor: Intel P4 Prescott FSB 800 @ 3.4 Ghz
Ram: OCZ Platinum Extreme Low Latency PC-3200 4GB
OS: Windows XP SP2


Server: Eathena SQL Version 14407
Client: RagRE 07072010
Uptime: 24/7 (or close to it)
MySql Version: 5.0

Non Catigorizable (is that even a word? lol) Stuff:

PvP almost everywhere except for some towns (prontera, Payon) and shops in those towns.

Custom login screen/log in music/interface

WoE: 4 times daily; from 8am to 9 am, noon to 1 pm, 6 pm to 7 pm, 3 am to 4 am (GMT -7) during weekdays and 6am to 9 am, 11 am to 4 pm, 7 pm to 11 pm, and 1 am to 4 am (GMT -7) during weekends.

PvP Board that records all pvp kills/deaths (During some weeks we will be having an event at which the top 3 Non-Gm killers will be recieving prizes)

Custom Duel Job system:

I gureentee that no other server has this, and if they do, know that we had it first.

At base lvl 1000/job lvl 120 you go to the Nether Realm Diviner, he will ask for 4 groups of 10 items and 25 mil zeny. He will then re-rebith you into a novice.

Choose a new job path, you have to use the NRD to job change after you re-rebirth due to limitations with the official job changer from Eathena, and then at lvls 1000/120 on the second time around, speak with him again and do a quest.

Bring him back the quest tiem and he turns you into a Dual Class baised on your first and second job tree choices.

For example:
1st Rebirth - Assassin Cross
2nd Rebirth - Paladin

Dual Class - Holy Assassin

A Holy Assassin is a mix of a Assassin Cross and a Paladin. You will have skills from both classes but only be able to use the weapons from the base class, in this case Assassin cross tree weapons. This also means that any weapon required skills would not normally be usable, but we have solved that problem and have duplicated any skills that require a non-usable weapons for our dual classes. This allows you to use shield chain without actually having a shield equipped in example of the dual class shown above.

We have worked on this system since mid 2005 and have finally prefected the system and have begun mass producing the custom classes and duplicating any needed skills.

We have all of the class blocks done at this time:
Lord Knight
High Priest
High Wizard
Assassin Cross
Star Glad
Soul Linker

This includes 140 total custom classes. There are literally limitless potentialities for new game play, we are taking the realm of RO further then anyone else whilst not destroying it in the process. All classes will be balanced or as near to it as possible, but currently we are still in the process of testing various skill interactions.

Item Changes for Balance:

Thanatos Card:
Doesn't hit Non-Bosses for defense ration damage, instead has an array of other effects to replace it.

Ice Pick:
Same as above, except no replacement bonuses.

Some of Our Custom Items:

Heavens Calling (GM Version)
Heavens Chime (TCG Version)
Heavens Ring (normal Version)

Sephiroth Card:
GM Version: (insert armor name) of Sephiroth's Anger
TCG Version: (insert armor name) of Sephiroth's Soul
Normal Version: (insert armor name) of Sephiroth's Spirit

Ring of the Gods (GM Version)
Ring of the Titans (TCG Version)
Ring of Hurculese (Normal Version)

Star Gladiator Books
Pet Incubator Plus (can be used on all eggs, but was spacifically made for Human Mob Eggs)
Disguise Scrolls (still under testing/creation)
Embryos (still under testing)
Naruto Headgear Forum Topic Link

and over 450 other items as well as custom sprite items, wings, naruto headbands, and other assorted headgear

Custom Non-Alchemist/Creator Homunc System items:
Soul Fragment
Vial of Blood
Chimera Soul


Sephiroth MVP Forum Topic Link
Human Class Monsters Forum Topic Link
King Chimera (Homunculus related Quest monster)
Dark Knight (Quest System monster)
Master Gibbet & Mystic Willow (Bloody Branch Arena monsters)
King of Darkness (Quest system monster)
Maya Black (Quest Monster)
Mad Ktullanux (Quest Monster)
Devil Poring (Quest Monster)
Dal Cestro (Dual Class Quest Monster)
Thanatos' Shadow Forum Topic Link
Randgris Redux Forum Topic Link

Custom Homuncs:

Amon Ra
Dark Lord
Cat O' Nine Tails
Evil Snake Lord
Golden Thief Bug
Gloom Under Night
Kiel D-01
Orc Hero
Moon Light
Orc Lord
Stormy Knight
Turtle General
Lord of Death
Incantation Samurai
Bring It On!
Tao Gunka
RSX 0806
Lady Tanee
Valkyrie Randgris


Gold Room Warper
Free Healer
Mining NPC's (in Mjo)
Warper (Dungeons and Cities)
Card Remover
Stat/Skill point Buyer/Seller
Super Refiner (refines items to +100 w/o breaking them)
Universal Rental NPC
MvP Warper
Level Seller (each lvl costs 10 mil)
Mail System NPC
Coin Seller/Buyer NPC
Nether Realm Diviner (for lvl 1000 rebirthing & Dual Class and Second Job Changing)
Egg Seller NPC
Tames Seller NPC
Naruto Headband quest NPC
Plain of Sorrows Forum Topic Link
Hoenhiem (Homunculus NPC; still under testing)
Black Market Forum Topic Link
Dante (Alchemist/Creator Official Homunc System Homunculus Seller)
Guild Master (Tells you current guilds names and allows you to create your own guild)
Wings Seller (Allows you to quest for custom wing items)
Jiburu Forum Topic Link
Halford XIV Forum Topic Link 1 / Forum Topic Link 2


Random Man
Roulette NPC (still under testing)
Battle Arena Forum Topic Link


@commands -displays what commands you can use
@rates -shows the current server rates
@uptime -shows how long the server has been running
@showdelay -hides/shows the skill delay message
@exp -displays your current level and percentage progress
@mobinfo -displays info on selected monster
@iteminfo -displays info on selected item
@refresh -refresh your client's info with the server's info
@time -Displays the servers current time/date
@version -displays the current server version
@storage -opens up your storage window
@where -displays your current posistion on the map
@away -creates an away message
@jailtime -displays your jailtime left
@hominfo -displays your homunculus's information
@homstats -displays your homunculu's current stats
@showexp -displays or hides exp gained from monsters
@showzeny -displays or hides amount of zeny gained from monsters
@go -warps you to 1 of 23 designated areas
@autloloot <1-100> -allows you to pick up items droped by monsters by drop percentage.
@autolootid -Allows you to loot only specific items via id. @at -enables auto trade (offline vending; merchants only)
@mobsearch -locates and displays selected mob's pisition on the current map
@showmobs -locates and displays the mobs current location on the current map on your minimap
@help -displays some help information
@request -sends a request message to all active gms
@who -returns who is online (will list their gm level is any)
@who2 -returns who is online and displays their job
@who3 -returns who is online and displays their guild/party
@whomap -returns who is online (will list their gm level is any) and what map they are in
@whomap2 -returns who is online and displays their job and what map they are in
@whomap3 -returns who is online and displays their guild/party and what map they are in
@me -displays your chat message in the following format: *|text| (like the trillian and irc /me command)
@hominfo -displays your hoimunculus' growth and stat information. /dex

*This will be updated so check back every so often!*